Re-entering the world of blogging

.. and so i find myself blogging again, i can't really say i didn't miss this.. it's good to be back!

so what can you expect to find here? of course there will inevitably be clay talk ( frankly, my family, friends and dogs are practically bleeding their brains out listening to me), including, but not limited to, tips, tutes, updates, photos of stuff that inspire me, one or two or a few hundred thousand snapshots of my dogs - of course ^_^ -, links and the whatevers in between.

first on the agenda, i want to share how absolutely victorious i feel right now because today i found one of the things i have been hunting around for (and at a comparatively cheap price at that)..

a digital weighing scale!

if you've done clay armies of little, same-sized critters (and you probabaly have!) you know what i'm talking about. it's not easy to eyeball every .. well, ball of clay just to make sure they're all the same size. i think i have become an expert eye-baller, i would even go as far as saying i've grown weight-sensitive cells on my fingertips - because now that i have the scale and weighed most of my current projects, i find that AMAZINGLY they all weigh the same --- which kind of defeats the purpose of the scale... but Anyway, i'm happy!

another cool thing i found while waiting for my friends to arrive for a dinner date was this cute little chicken timer..
see, i usually spend some QT with my dogs outside while waiting for my stuff to bake, and my sisters usually end up busting their lungs calling to me when the oven timer goes off, but now i can bring my trusty chicken timer with me. cool huh!?

i hope your week also turns out to be as fun and bountiful a treasure hunt as mine was!

have a happy clay week everyone!


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