My new model?

Today I woke up feeling normal, but as the day wore on I got more and more stressed out and by midday I found myself on the precipice of a meltdown, so I decided I needed 
to let out some steam and hunkered down to an afternoon of working with my hands.

I needed a statement necklace to wear with the dress I'm wearing to this thing I'm having late March
(Queen of Avoidance here)

I'm feeling a lot better now, a bit calmer :)
I liked how the necklace turned out, and I loved how it looked against black 
so I put it on Madie lol
It was really nice on her, but it was hard to get a good photo when she kept moving around!

Anyway, here it is. Hope it goes well with what I'm going to wear because I know I wont have time to do anything else :)

Wish me luck!!

In other news, I saw this photo with the accompanying story on my Facebook newsfeed and it really made my blood boil. Sorry I know some people do not like seeing images like this, but I just have to share this.

"This is so cruel. We're on our way to SM Baguio then we saw this car with the poor dog on the back of it, with chain on his mouth, sobrang kawawa. Then I took I took pictures of it, then we went to the nearest Police station and reported it, Luckily, they caught the owner and let the dog be free. I hate them all!!! Share this para we can help the poor dogs. :(

Again, I apologize if the image made you cringe, or look away (I did), I just think the more important thing is to spread awareness. Things like this happen and we should always be aware so we can do our part in saving these innocent, defenseless dogs, and making people like them take full responsibility for their stupid, STUPID actions.

That just ruined the whole point of making the necklace and releasing stress. Oh well, that's life, right? But before i end this, i just want to share this cute video of puppies

Aah, that's more like it :) Happy work week, everyone!


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