dream work spaces

after all the preps for the gpb, i found myself swimming in a sea of mess and destruction. it was utter chaos but for days after the storm had hit, i had neither the heart nor the will to go and fix it. i languished in the debris, picking my way through it every night, hoping that i don't step on anything sharp, or worse--- ALIVE.

so one night, while i was busy delaying the inevitable dive into the black hole that is my room, i caught my sister on skype and we got to talking about all the mess that follows crafters/pack rats like us around. we threw around a few ideas, and hopes and dreams including -but not limited to- winning the lottery and having a big craft room built just for all our junk, which in turn inspired me to search for cute work areas and color palates (a hobby i really enjoy ). here are a few photos that got our blood pumping :)

Note-- i just got these off the net so, no, i don't claim ownership to any of these beautiful spaces.

okay, so this is actually a play room, but look at all those shelves!! think of what we could do with those!

i love this one because it's so sweet and organized and pretty and CLEAN

and this one appeals to my love of patterns and textures,, and i just love that i can see all the patterns of the fabrics in the shelves, and that huge cork board is right up my alley since constantly NEED sticky note reminders.
 it's such a cheery place you can hang out in and make chika with friends :)

i like how they use an old tin lunchbox as storage and a tiered wire basket to hold ribbons and stuff. i know it wouldn't really work for me because i could never keep it looking that pretty and organized since i'd probably manage to fill it with non-pretty crap in a matter of days.

i love the cabinets and the low green table with its antique look -- maybe it is antique?, its drawers (i can already imagine what i'll be putting in those!) the shelves up top, the little blue cabinet.. i just adore everything about it! it makes me feel like i'm spying at a fairy tale workshop where they make princesses gowns, what with the ribbons hanging organized under a hanging shelf, waiting to be used :) 

now this one i've been drooling over for the past 1 and a half years. it's so me!!
the bright, happy colors make me wanna go and create something, or read, or have a party! and it's soo roomy and the tables are big and there's a door that leads outside (i assume), and those lanterns hanging from the ceiling... sigh. i love it. whoever owns this.. thank you for posting this because you've made me one happy, ogling albeit silly gal just staring at your work area :)

looking at these spaces (and others --i have lots more coz i have "studio envy", hehe) inspired me to make use of my space for the meantime. so i bought some organizers and have begun MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Organize Jen's Work Area
  Little by little I will manage to get everything in order and who knows, i might find some of the stuff i thought i "lost", and to be fair, i'll post a picture(s) of my work area when i'm done--cringe.

see you guys next time and happy claying!


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