Caning Tips
While making canes yesterday i was mulling about how to minimize the degree of one in skinner blends, because there are times i just want a hint of color on one end, so i tried making a small variation on the usual skinner process. this is what i came up with and i'm happy to say it came out nicely Another tip is this: if you have to wrap your skinner plug, minimize it and be able to tell which color is where after doing so, leave a tiny gap in your outline color so even if it twists when you roll it, you always have a reference point. cool trick but one i usually forget to do myself hehe And here's the thing i really really found useful. see, i always keep blank pieces of paper in my bag just in case i needed to jot something down or make a sketch of ideas that come to me while riding the train or walking. but these bits almost always get lost or thrown or inadvertedly used to wrap gum --yeah done that. i also bring my journal, so i have something to write on in case i...